Foams are of many types and depending upon its types it can be utilized in many ways. The foams can be moulded in various shapes making its usage popular in many ways. For example, mattresses can be made with foams. They can be used for padding in seats & helmets. They can also be used in bedding, packaging, protective sportswear, upholstery and many more.
Mentioned here are the details of different kinds of Dunlop foams that are available in Sydney:
Latex Foam:
It is a type of foam in which liquid latex is vulcanized to convert it into a solid foam. In the process of making this foam, latex particles are crossed linked with sulfur by the use of heat & accelerators like zinc oxide. Natural latex can be produced simply by harvesting rubber trees whereas synthetic latex can be generated from petrochemicals. It provides pinpointed support & reacts on the moves instantly. It provides constant support & remains hard even when warmer. It does not even “bottom out” & “sink in” while sleeping & thus you can sleep properly without any interruption.
Polyurethane Foam:
Polyurethane foam is the lowest quality & inexpensive foam, which generally used in mattress toppers & mattresses. We are quite familiar with the fact that “egg crate” & sofa cushions are made up of this kind of foam. The primary products of petrochemicals are used to produce this foam. Many manufacturers use polyurethane foam as the uppermost layer of mattresses because the cost of polyurethane foam is less. Manufacturers began using polyurethane foam instead of spring coils in the base layer of the mattresses because of the same reason. Because of its low density, polyurethane foam can easily be compressed. This saves the online shipping cost of the mattresses. However, low-density polyurethane foam degrades easily while the high-density ones are durable. With the application of pressure, it often collapses.
Memory foam is the same as polyurethane foam but contains some added compounds and that makes the difference in their feel. Unlike polyurethane foam, memory foam is also a primarily compound obtained from petrochemicals. It is denser & expensive compared to that of polyurethane foam. It reacts to heat, which means it absorbs heat and gets warmer. The newest version of it is made. It is designed in such a way that it does not absorb much heat. In this type of foam use of chemicals make the surface feel cooler. The density of the memory foam is high making it more durable and expensive.
The above-mentioned points are the types of foams used nowadays. To get 100% pure products it is advisable to buy it from the most reliable shop in Sydney. These shops are the ones that can offer you high-quality products at a reasonable cost.
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