Many perceive that the ill effects of dental issues are limited to your mouth, however, your oral health not just affects your gums or your teeth, it is known to affect your whole body as well.
While dentists insist that you should be mindful of your dental hygiene, oral health care is often ignored by most. As a result, dental health problems are quite common. In addition to being immensely painful and uncomfortable, dental problems are also linked to other health issues like heart disease and diabetes. Let’s see the adverse effect of a serious gum/tooth disease on our body.
Effect on Heart
Dental problems such as tooth decay are caused due to the build-up of colonies of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria’s could escape into your bloodstream and travel to other areas of the body, causing serious health problems.
The bacteria found in plaque could block arteries and thus poor dental health could put not just your teeth but your heart at risk as well.
Effect on Diabetes
This road goes both ways, serious gum disease could affect blood-glucose control and can lead to the progression of diabetes. On the other hand, high blood sugar could lead to various dental problems such as oral fungus, thrush, ulcers, sores etc.
In short, maintaining a good oral health care regime is very important during diabetes.
Effect on Pregnant Women
Periodontitis, the inflammation of gums and supporting structures of the teeth could increase the risk of babies being born prematurely or with low birth weight. Thus, pregnant women should include dental check-ups early on in their pregnancy and should follow a good dental hygiene routine all throughout their pregnancy.
Effects on the Lungs
The infection and inflammation during an episode of gum disease increases bacterial activity in your blood. With increased bacteria in your lungs, severe diseases like pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease tend to worsen.
Several research papers have illustrated that gum disease like Periodontitis and other dental problems are neither a healthy sign for your mouth nor good for your body. So, do not ignore your oral health, remember to:
- Brush and floss daily,
- Use a non-alcoholic based mouthwash
- Get regular check-ups from your dentist.
In addition, to help you keep your mouth healthy, specialized oral health care products are readily available. Consult your doctor about them and use these products for a healthy mouth and subsequently for a healthier body.
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