C ables seem to have a mind of their own and tend to make your desktop look untidy despite of how many hours you spend to reorganise them. The awful truth is, cables get hardened with time and lose their flexibility, taking a shape of their own. This phenomenon of cables makes them tough to arrange them. But your trouble is not exclusively yours because everybody faces the same problem. Extensive range of cable grommet solutions brought to you by renowned companies around the globe has made things easier. Whether you have dozens of servers stacked in your room or a network of computers arranged in your office, there is a solution for every cable mess you could have. There is a wide range of products available for you according to your needs. Some of the products available are: Cable Grommets – A cable grommet is a tube or ring through which an electrical cable passes. Usually made up of rubber or plastic, they are inserted in holes in desks or floors in order to pro...